Location: Riverside Pub, Bedford, NS
Meeting called to order : 7:41pm

15 members in attendance

Bank balance same as Jan. Up $ 332.

Membership report: Approximately 40 members

Presidents report: Signed spec Miata for 2012, we are focusing on July Digby, and ASCC get together.

RACE; few inquires for HPDS. 21 of May for HPDS. Race school may 26.

Solo Report:  Solo school may 5.

Rally report: ASCC rally pending rally cross Sunday at SSW event #5. RallySprint, 3 events in July, Aug and Oct. July event moved up 1 week in lieu of Superbike.

Old Business: sent thanks to kartbahn.
New business: Cost of website (100aprox a year).

Swap shop

George s- , 4 tires for sale reasonable offer. 2 ra1 and 2 hancooks 15s`. Various home carpentry tools.

Meeting adjourned: 8:48.

February 2012 General Meeting Minutes

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