Atlantic Sports Car Club October Minutes
October 13, 2020

Membership Report
We have 134 members
September 1 was the cut off. New members joining now will get card for 2021

Treasurer Report
 Outstanding cheques for commissionaires
Royal flush is on Debbie’s Visa
ARMS Insurance
Kevin Doubleday

Cheque to shearwater has been cashed, also wrote a cheque for Van storage.

Solo Report:
Solo has nothing new.

Lapping Day : Raising money for cancer in honor of Derek Lugar. Total Raised $12500 for Canadian Cancer Society. SARL and Cars got together, Nick Roussakov donated his car for you to ride along $100 for 5 laps. Used a total of 100L of fuel

Ming posted a thread for ARMS Solo workshop on the form. Elections for Performance Solo Director

Van going into storge. Joel has Cheque, Scott going to take timing stuff.

Race Report:
JCM was a great weekend, Lots of entries and spectators. 18 cars started and 11 finished.
Nick Roussakov took  home the checkered Flag. Food truck was great and was covered by sponsors

JCM made $7000 – after expenses, we passed our covid check. Changes being made for next year, Marshalls Grid- we need to use qualifying

There is a thread on the ARMS form for AGM topics

Rally Report:
Tall Pines cancelled, no way to do it safely

Locally – Nothing on performance rally, 
Rallycross starts this weekend – Cathy is organizer of rally cross now. Pidge is stepping back.
Nav X- has been ready to go for a while, being held October 25- 1-5pm need checkpointer

ASCC is hosting
Aiming to have workshops Saturday and Sunday
Saturday can have 50 people in person and Zoom meeting option as well.
Sunday Just club reps & directors.

Preregistration for workshops – one workshop at a time, race at end of day (current racers and race car owners and 2020 race license holders in person everyone else zoom)

Acura has agreed to sponsor event – Debbie to contact them as there will be a cost to rent rooms.

ASCC AGM is in December – everyone is reoffering.

Old Business:

Digitizing old photos, videos, results ect. from collections from Ralph Rosier and George Sheppard.
Looking to find a platform where we can share old photos for people to download, comment on ect.
Keven Doubleday has spent a fair amount of money out of his pocket in equipment, ASCC has given him a cheque for $1000 toward equipment.

We are holding off on providing more things to him at this time until he can get caught up, he is going to tag photos with photographer’s name, when and where it was if known.

One project he is working on is AMP and how it went from a farmer’s field to what it is now.

Once we have online storage, we will probably have a monthly fee for that.

October Meeting Minutes

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